Using Technology to Keep Packages Organized During the Holidays

It’s that time of year again…

The holiday season is upon us and the madness will be kicking off sooner than you think. Everyone needs to start preparing – especially CRE’s multifamily sector. We all know how crazy the mail gets when this festive season rolls around.

If you thought last year was bad, think again. 2019 is gearing up to outdo anything we’ve seen before. Not only is this year’s holiday season shorter, but with all the latest developments in e-commerce, the mailrooms are going to be stocked to the ceilings.

Multifamily property managers who want to get a handle on the situation before it erupts should start preparing now. Fortunately, technology is here to lend a hand.

Here’s how you can keep the mail organized this season.

Automated Package Lockers

Multifamily is home to many residents, all of which are bound to be receiving mail in November and December. Having all of the different packages jumbled together only creates a confusing mess.

The contemporary solution to this issue is to employ automated package lockers in the mailroom. Automated package lockers are a tech-powered resource that can help alleviate the heavy load on staff members. These lockers offer 24/7 access and provide a safe and secure holding place for packages.

Always Play It Safe 

Things aren’t all fun and games simply because the holidays are around the corner. In reality, this season usually sees a spark in theft and loss of property. As multifamily managers, it’s imperative that you protect your residents’ belongings.

To do so, try employing additional security during this season. Take a step beyond manpower and utilize the tech-based solutions available on the market. Smart Building devices like highly sensitive cameras and alarms will establish a full-time watch to help ward off crime.

Make It Clear

When the pace begins to pick up, it’s important to make sure that everyone understands the rules. Every multifamily building has its own mail regulations. Even if they’re relaxed most of the year, the holiday is a good time to crack down on the process.

Using a property management app or an email system, send a mass message to all of the community’s tenants and team members. This is an effective way to get the point across and help everyone know what’s expected of them. The entire community needs to play their part to help the holiday season go smoothly.

Do Your Best to Keep Things Clean

Packages inevitably mean boxes, packing peanuts, tissue paper, plastic – the list goes on! Garbage and trash are rampant during the holidays. In a multifamily property with a large number of tenants, the garbage system can easily become overwhelmed.

If possible, it’s a good idea to increase the frequency that the dumpsters get emptied. Otherwise, at least try to uphold the building’s garbage regulations as best as possible.

In order to combat the mess, take time daily to inspect the building and make sure no packages are left in hallways or in common areas. Use cameras to streamline the process. If anything is amiss, send the tenant or group a kind email reminding them to keep their space clear.

How are you preparing? For more commercial real estate tips, check out our blog.